ERA Wheels on ebay

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ERA Wheels on ebay

Post by kayball » Tue Mar 17, 2009 8:03 pm

Didn't know if I should continue this thread under Wheels, or start again. Decided new thread.
There are a set of 4 ERA wheels on ebay at the moment. (item 2603778370548) with one having a broken rim. Chris asked me if I thought they looked odd and at first was not sure. Imported the pics into Paint Shop Pro then zoomed in on them and found offset marked on rim was very odd. Most ERA wheels have ET 15, (ET incidentally was from German Einpresstiefe) which means offset is 15mm from centre line of wheel, increasing track outwards and giving 15mm more clearance between shocker and rim than if offset was zero. The wheels on e-bay are marked ET22-33, which is quite a range, but it seems many manufacturers wheels are marked as having limits. This means that for 22mm limit the wheel will have 9mm less clearance on shocker and also less track by double amount (two wheels). If they are at a limit of 33mm, then each wheel will be 18mm nearer the shocker and also set in by this amount. I suggest be very aware if intending to purchase. I note one spacer ring is shown on one pic. Chris and I found these fitted to each wheel on our second set, as detailed under postings headed Wheels.
Pete K

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Re: ERA Wheels on ebay

Post by G96LUE » Tue Mar 17, 2009 8:24 pm

Hi All

Just had a look too. The other thing missing is the manufacturer name compomotive on the nut area (under the center cap)

The center caps are also listed on a seperate listing.
i had put a bid on them but retracted it today after i realised he had listed them as 4 seperate items but the listing shows pictures of 4 centers and says this auction is for centers (plural).
I have been contacted now and it is supposed to be for all 4No, so i suspect he will be ammending the listing soon.

Below are pics as follows:-
1st = 1/2" thick center.
2nd = 1/4" thick center.
3rd = Ebay wheel.
the shape of the dish is also different.
thick center 3.jpg
thick center 3.jpg (108.56 KiB) Viewed 14576 times
thin centre 3.jpg
thin centre 3.jpg (115.33 KiB) Viewed 14577 times
ebay wheel.jpg
ebay wheel.jpg (32.55 KiB) Viewed 14575 times

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Re: ERA Wheels on ebay

Post by paul » Tue Mar 17, 2009 10:15 pm

I spotted them earlier and they looked wrong, also if you look the star is set further of the rim, probably to allow them to have less offset, and look at the counter bore arround the wheel nut holes, on the ERA ones thick and thin the counter bore is cutting into the radius to the face of the wheel but not on the E Bay one..

Trackstars where a standard Compmotive offering in the day, I would be very wary of these both in offset and in PCD.

Noted the caps as well, and asked seller if its for 1 or 4.



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Re: ERA Wheels on ebay

Post by G96LUE » Thu Mar 19, 2009 1:51 pm

I think he must have been offered money off ebay.
Both auctions have been withdrawn even though i had a bid on the centers.

I have contacted compomotive and i have purchased the last 4 centers they had in stock.
I have also managed to get a set of genuine cap locks with a key from them for £5.

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Re: ERA Wheels on ebay

Post by paul » Thu Mar 19, 2009 7:36 pm

Bargain.....Jealous now!

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