I am still not happy with the oil temperature. Normal running too cool, stood in traffic oil temp good but on a very hot day with no movement the water temp too hot heading for overheating. Now I know the oil thermostat won't help overheating when stood in traffic but it should help in normal running so I am posting the details of how I fitted the thermostat as I cant find much about fitting one to a mini on the internet
It could make the problem of overheating worse but I think the oil temp is still too low for normal running and hope the thermostat will correct that. The problem is as the oil temp will be hotter for normal running It could be too much when in a que of traffic. Also the oil temperature is taken off the cooler so I have installed a temperature gauge taken off the sump as well.
I could not find very much information on the subject so I decided to document my fitting. I am sure there are many other ways of doing it but this is how I tackled the job.
I removed the alternator, coil, oil filter, I disconnected the top hose to the aux rad and loosened the alternator bracket and pushed it out of the way. Next I removed the oil feed pipe from the engine block I then removed the oil cooler. It takes a little jiggling and twisting but it will come out.
I bought 2mtr of Gates 1/2” rubber oil hose and 4 x 90 degree 1/2” BSP elbows, a block adaptor (MOC1 minispares) a filter adaptor (MOC2 minispares) 10 x 00 13-20mm Jubilee hose clips. I also had to find a 16mm/M16 copper washer for the block connection (MOC1).
I used 2 x 12mm 90 degree Polyamide elbows to drop the pipes to the cooler so I didn't have to bend the rubber pipe to much to get to the cooler. The material they are made from will resist pressure, oil, and temperature.
The rubber hose I cut into lengths.
1 x 75mm Block to thermostat, 1 x 426mm oil 'stat to oil filter, 1 53mm x oil 'stat to nylon elbow front, 1 x 63mm oil 'stat to nylon elbow rear, 1 x 540mm nylon elbow front to cooler, 1 x 390mm nylon elbow rear to cooler,
I reduced the front Polyamide elbow by 8 mm (1 section) so it staggers the pipe run as it drops down to the cooler. The Polyamide elbows need to be angled slightly to the front. The new elbows on the cooler need to be angled also, as in the pictures.
I assembled the pipes and made sure it fitted. I then tightened the clamps and refitted the whole lot and made it secure. I primed the cooler through the rear pipe and connected it up. Refit the parts already removed. Make sure coolant is topped up. Check oil.
While checking everything I noticed the bottom hose was pushed up against the timing chain breather and it looked as if it was cutting into it so I removed the radiator to check it out. It was ok no damage. I am replacing it with a new silicon one from Mini Spares as I have it apart. Peace of mind for a few years.
I could not find very much information on the subject so I decided to document my fitting. I am sure there are many other ways of doing it but this is how I tackled the job.
I removed the alternator, coil, oil filter, I disconnected the top hose to the aux rad and loosened the alternator bracket and pushed it out of the way. Next I removed the oil feed pipe from the engine block I then removed the oil cooler. It takes a little jiggling and twisting but it will come out.
I bought 2mtr of Gates 1/2” rubber oil hose and 4 x 90 degree 1/2” BSP elbows, a block adaptor (MOC1 minispares) a filter adaptor (MOC2 minispares) 10 x 00 13-20mm Jubilee hose clips. I also had to find a 16mm/M16 copper washer for the block connection (MOC1).
I used 2 x 12mm 90 degree Polyamide elbows to drop the pipes to the cooler so I didn't have to bend the rubber pipe to much to get to the cooler. The material they are made from will resist pressure, oil, and temperature.
The rubber hose I cut into lengths.
1 x 75mm Block to thermostat, 1 x 426mm oil 'stat to oil filter, 1 53mm x oil 'stat to nylon elbow front, 1 x 63mm oil 'stat to nylon elbow rear, 1 x 540mm nylon elbow front to cooler, 1 x 390mm nylon elbow rear to cooler,
I reduced the front Polyamide elbow by 8 mm (1 section) so it staggers the pipe run as it drops down to the cooler. The Polyamide elbows need to be angled slightly to the front. The new elbows on the cooler need to be angled also, as in the pictures.
I assembled the pipes and made sure it fitted. I then tightened the clamps and refitted the whole lot and made it secure. I primed the cooler through the rear pipe and connected it up. Refit the parts already removed. Make sure coolant is topped up. Check oil.
While checking everything I noticed the bottom hose was pushed up against the timing chain breather and it looked as if it was cutting into it so I removed the radiator to check it out. It was ok no damage. I am replacing it with a new silicon one from Mini Spares as I have it apart. Peace of mind for a few years.
- Attachments
- IMG_3011.JPG (151.76 KiB) Viewed 35323 times
- IMG_30131.jpg (233.8 KiB) Viewed 35323 times
- Attachments
- filter adaptor
- IMG_3034.JPG (137.47 KiB) Viewed 35323 times
- Attachments
- Elbow cut to reduce length
- IMG_3015.JPG (143.13 KiB) Viewed 35323 times
I apologize for the limited photos but the pictures I took during most of the job I lost because the SD card I used was faulty so I had to retake them after I completed it.
At the moment I am waiting for the bottom hose to put it all back together.
I will update the report when I have put it back on the road.
At the moment I am waiting for the bottom hose to put it all back together.
I will update the report when I have put it back on the road.
I do not recall that on My oil system
The cooler or the thermostat?
That is the thermostat I am fitting to the oil system to improve the oil running temperature on normal weather days. When I restored the car I fitted a new 4 core radiator from minispares it is the best cooling rad on the market. Much better than the ones fitted to ERA originally.
I have suffered with overcooling/undercooling since putting it on the road, that is, normal running low water and low oil temps and when stuck in traffic water too high. I have improved cooling in traffic by fitting an electric fan but normal running imo my oil temperature is too low. As the oil cooler is fed continuously from startup irrespective of temperature I thought fitting a thermostat that opens at 80 degrees would help to increase the temperature of the oil and water quicker for normal running. There is the possibility that it will increase the problem of overheating in traffic queues as the oil temperature should be hotter with the thermostat. Last year I removed the aux radiator and covered up the oil cooler to reduce air flow through it to improver the oil temp a little, also the water. It did improve it a little but it was an unusually warm year and the overheating caught me out on the hottest day of the year, stuck in a motorway accident queue on the M62 at the highest point.
I will report on it when completed. I am doing other work on the car at the moment so it's not on the road yet. I have discovered the inner cv joint gaiters have split. That will be another post.
I have suffered with overcooling/undercooling since putting it on the road, that is, normal running low water and low oil temps and when stuck in traffic water too high. I have improved cooling in traffic by fitting an electric fan but normal running imo my oil temperature is too low. As the oil cooler is fed continuously from startup irrespective of temperature I thought fitting a thermostat that opens at 80 degrees would help to increase the temperature of the oil and water quicker for normal running. There is the possibility that it will increase the problem of overheating in traffic queues as the oil temperature should be hotter with the thermostat. Last year I removed the aux radiator and covered up the oil cooler to reduce air flow through it to improver the oil temp a little, also the water. It did improve it a little but it was an unusually warm year and the overheating caught me out on the hottest day of the year, stuck in a motorway accident queue on the M62 at the highest point.
I will report on it when completed. I am doing other work on the car at the moment so it's not on the road yet. I have discovered the inner cv joint gaiters have split. That will be another post.