Shows List 2011

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Re: Shows List 2011

Post by Jezza » Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:47 pm

Eventful day - car conked out on way back home from a party in Rugby so called AA who couldn't really find the problem but thought (like I did) that it was fuelling related. Cleaned carb out and it ran fine to get me home (about 8m).

Still planning to take it down to Cornbury in the morning so fingers crossed the problem does not return - see you at 7.45am in Kenilworth.
Jeremy Harris

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Re: Shows List 2011

Post by G96LUE » Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:07 pm

ok see you in the morning.

i have not heard from Paul.
do you know if he's meeting us at kenilworth?

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Re: Shows List 2011

Post by Jezza » Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:34 pm

Sorry I have not heard from him either as of yet.
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Re: Shows List 2011

Post by G96LUE » Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:19 pm

Well I thought it was going to be a wash out when we arrived at 09:00ish to find 5 other mini's and Keith looking very lost in a rain swept field, but cars arrived in bits & drabs and it dried up by about 11:00 and had sun & light showers for the next few hours.
We had a surprise when Rob arrived in R1006 and was with his club who set up directly behind us. We were able to have a good look over it and it's very nice and tidy.
Unfortunately he had a misshap with a lump in the field and cracked his front NS arch. Keith also had to call one of his AA collegues on his way home as his rear wheel bearing siezed.
I hope you both get your cars fixed soon without too many problems.

I had a nice drive following Jeremy too and from the show. It was like i was having an outer body experience, or playing an advanced reaction arcade game :lol: The Green ERA turned before i turned my wheel :roll:

Anyway, here are a couple of pics from the day
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DSCF9059_1024.jpg (192.27 KiB) Viewed 34798 times
Last edited by G96LUE on Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Shows List 2011

Post by G96LUE » Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:22 pm

A couple more closer shots :)
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Re: Shows List 2011

Post by Jezza » Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:00 pm

Just to complete the tale of Cornbury we too broke down on the way home from the show after we had parted company from Darren when I discovered that the windscreen wipers on our ERA had ceased to function just as the rain came down as we reached Warwickshire. Fortunately it was nothing more than a loose connection at the fuse box, probably dislodged when I replaced the fuel filter at the show.

Car is back in to Col's Mini's (they did the recent bodywork and respray) Saturday as I need to get the problem with the passenger tyre rubbing away on right hand lock sorted before I don't have any tyres left! It was noticeable at the show that mine is running significantly lower than other similar ERA's so i am hoping raising the ride hieght a little may sort the problem - hope so as I need it back for MITP in a couple of weeks.
Jeremy Harris

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Re: Shows List 2011

Post by Jezza » Sun Aug 07, 2011 8:58 am

Sorted - new suspension cones and the additionof a Hi-Lo kit means that I actually have some ride height clearance and a degree of suspension travel for the first time since I bought the car three years ago!

By the way the guy at Col's Mini's in Feckenham is keen to join the Forum and is also on the lookout for a 'cheap' restoration condition ERA - he is unable to join as a new member at present, a problem I know that others have had recently?
Jeremy Harris

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Re: Shows List 2011

Post by Jezza » Sun Aug 07, 2011 9:00 am

We are off to MITP next Sunday - is anyone else going?
Jeremy Harris

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Re: Shows List 2011

Post by G96LUE » Sun Aug 07, 2011 3:17 pm

Hi Jeremy,

Glad to hear you have good suspension now.

Don't think i'll be doing MITP though.

Not sure what is happening with the registration on the site though.
I have sent Chris an email and also sent a copy to Peter.

We have Peter Kibble & Rob Lamacraft on the waiting to join list too.

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Re: Shows List 2011

Post by G96LUE » Sat Aug 13, 2011 6:24 pm

Well it seems i didn't make it back from the Mini/VW show unscaved after all.
I had to use the Mini yesterday morning and it had no brakes.
There was no leaks anywhere, but the reservoir was empty so i suspected that the seals had gone in the master cylinder.
On removal of the master cylinder i found the servo full of fluid.
I have now fitted a brand new master cylinder and servo but now the car won't go. It starts, but as soon as you start to pull away if dies as if it is out of fuel.
I suspect there is a blockage in the needle valve, so its carb off time tomorrow.
I can't understand why it has started playing up as it has been running nice for a while now. I don't think i have moved or touched anything today that could cause this problem.
If anyone has any other suggestions of what it could be, any advice will be greatly received.

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