IMM 2009 - Longbrige 7-9 AUGUST 2009.

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Re: IMM 2009 - Longbrige 7-9 AUGUST 2009.

Post by G96LUE » Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:44 pm

Hi Keith,

I don't think there is anything you can do to help, but thanks for the offer. Just being there on the stand is reward enough.
Just spoke to the organiser (Mike) and he tells me that it will be on grass and he is hoping to give us a patch where the cars are displayed side by side.
I will be bringing a large gazebo which we should be able to pitch behind the cars, so you can help assemble that with me if i've not done it before you arrive.

Still only the 13 cars as listed on the first page. I'm a little disapointed as i've not had many replies from the contacts in my address book, and there are another 4 or 5 cars out there that have joined us before.

I will be getting some passes posted to me which i will distribute to people when they arrive at the imm rather than posting and chancing them not ariving.

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Re: IMM 2009 - Longbrige 7-9 AUGUST 2009.

Post by Jezza » Fri Jul 31, 2009 7:15 am

Just got my tickets for the Sunday of Mini 50/IMM and will join you all on the ERA Turbo stand at around 9am in the morning before the Mini 50 event opens at 9.30am - here's to some decent weather again please, particularly after the washout that was the Great Western Mini Show which was the last outing for the ERA!

By the way has anyone got any suggestions for a decent bodyshop to do my front bodykit in the West Mids? I have grounded it on at least three kerbs in the last 9 months (keep forgetting how low they are) and the cracking on the bumper and right front wheelarch will require some remedial action once the main Mini event season has completed.
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Re: IMM 2009 - Longbrige 7-9 AUGUST 2009.

Post by G96LUE » Sat Aug 01, 2009 8:40 am

Hi All

The display stand tickets have arrived today.

i will phone the organisers later this morning to see if i will be able to hand out at the gate, if they can be collected from the stand or if i need to post them.

If i need to post i will be after addresses today / tomorrow.

you can do this by private message.

If you can also let me know your car colour, Reg & a mobile number this will help me get things ready.

See you soon


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Re: IMM 2009 - Longbrige 7-9 AUGUST 2009.

Post by G96LUE » Sat Aug 01, 2009 5:00 pm

Right, what they have sent me is 13 display passes and 13 entry tickets. The entry tickets are for the Mini 50 for either Sat or Sun which is a little annoying for those people who have paid for tickets in advance.

I will give all drivers both tickets and if you have already brought your's in advance you can keep it for prosperity, pass it on to a friend or what ever.

I can post these to you if you let me have your address or email me requesting my mobile number and you can phone me when you are near the entrance and i can come and hand them over.

Please let me know if you prefer to collect or me to post.

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Re: IMM 2009 - Longbrige 7-9 AUGUST 2009.

Post by millermilla » Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:40 pm

Awesome weekend it was nice to put a face to some names and great to see such a variety of ERA's. I forgot to thank you Darren for sorting everything thing out and organising a display for the group. Sorry I couldn't hang around the stand a bit more but it's tough trying to keep a two and a half year old entertained all day. I could have quite easily talked ERA's all day long :D There were some very nice ERA's there and it's nice to see them all still in pretty good condition. I'm glad to say my little gem managed the 400 mile round trip while towing a trailer perfectly and still gave 35+ mpg! There seemed to be lots of ERA owners from the midlands? ERA's must be quite a common sight up there ;)
It was my first IMM and I loved it. Already planning for 2010 in Germany.

Anyway, thanks all and look forward to seeing you again :mrgreen:
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Re: IMM 2009 - Longbrige 7-9 AUGUST 2009.

Post by G96LUE » Wed Aug 12, 2009 7:05 pm

Hi All

I was hoping to thank everyone for attending first, unfortunately i've been a bit busy and Keith got there first.

Anyway, thanks to all of you who came over the weekend.
Appologies to anyone i didn't get to chat with, as you probably noticed it was a bit hectic at times.
It was good to see some ERA's i had not seen before and as Keith mentioned they all looked in good condition.

The IMM itself was enjoyable although a little disorganised at times but i suspect this was down to the adverse weather conditions we have had over the last month. Thankfully the weather held off for the Fri,Sat & Sun and this made up for everything.

Not sure about Germany myself, but i am wondering about a trip to Ireland but i will have to check the dates.
Would anyone else be up for a trip to Ireland?
Maybe a travellodge type accomodation rather than camping.

If anyone thinks they might be interested just let me know.

Anyway, I hope to see you all soon.

All the best

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Re: IMM 2009 - Longbrige 7-9 AUGUST 2009.

Post by Jezza » Thu Aug 13, 2009 7:29 pm

Great to meet some more ERA owners on Sunday at Mini 50 at Cofton park. Many thanks to Darren for pulling together the stand and the organisation that goes with this.

Really lovely day topped off by a pint at the Coach & Horses in Weatheroak on the way home!

Anyone going to MITP - just got my tickets through and the weather's looking OK?

Attached pic - nearly forgot to take any so only showing four of the five ERA's left by then (we had 8 on the stand during the day on Sunday). Note the shiny silver one parked next to my workhorse and purchased by Ricki from Rob on the day with a spare £10K he found lying around in his back pocket (er...sort of)!
Mini 50 Aug 09.JPG
Mini 50 - showing L to R Darrens car, mine, Rob's (or is it Ricki's), Paul's car
Mini 50 Aug 09.JPG (60.22 KiB) Viewed 27954 times
Jeremy Harris

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Re: IMM 2009 - Longbrige 7-9 AUGUST 2009.

Post by Jezza » Thu Aug 13, 2009 7:33 pm

Just so Keith doesn't feel too left out here's one showing his lovely ERA as well (as recently featured in Auto Express as the 12th best Mini of all time.........)!
Mini 50 Aug 09, Bham.JPG
Mini 50 Aug 09, Bham.JPG (38.43 KiB) Viewed 27954 times
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Re: IMM 2009 - Longbrige 7-9 AUGUST 2009.

Post by millermilla » Thu Aug 13, 2009 10:34 pm

Thanks Jeremy :D It looks all lonely on the end there but it was a ploy, I was trying to get it as far away as I could from Paul just in case he decided to take it back again. I'm sure the poor old chap must be finding it hard with only 2 ERA's in the household and he keeps offering me to take it back if I'm not happy :lol:
Keith Miller

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Re: IMM 2009 - Longbrige 7-9 AUGUST 2009.

Post by paul » Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:15 pm

Just back from few days hols in the New Forrest. Thanks to Darren for organising the event great work and lovely to see loads of ERA's arround, suffered the same probs as Keith with a nearly 2 year old who had more interest in the things that you could bouce on and a 11 year old who wanted to buy T shirts all day!! Nice to see 2 of my old ERA's looking so well. Nice to meet the owner of ERA 1 from Finland briefly though just as I was being told if we dont leave the ERA stand now then I'm leaving you!! Wifes they just don't understand!

Off to MITP tommorow but taking the RSP as need to browse for stuff in Autojumble.


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